Rose is a good friend of mine. She is mother of two lovely kids, successful in her business and there is nothing missing in her life. Beside the fact that she wants to have a face lift.
Rose is 52 and unhappy with the signs of her age. Her jowls are loose and she hates the bags under her eyes. Like you and me, she is using a lot of creams regularly. Este Lauder and Lancome are her favorites. I use them too. They help but at the age of 52 you can not expect a cream to reverse aging.
One day she came for a coffee. She just lives nearby in the neighborhood. We had a nice talk as we often have when she told me that she had her first consultation in a cosmetic surgery center in Seattle. I was surprised but to be honest, she always was complaining about getting older and how much she hated it. I was curious about what she had found out.
She said that she was sure to have the right surgeon already. She was not too convinced at first but the doctor said that there is no cream in the world that can do what she expects. If there would be creams that remove all the wrinkles and sagging, there would be no face lift surgery. The creams help to get a better look temporarily because of water retention. But this effect is short lived.
Her first consultation did last almost one hour. The costs of the face lift did not bother her, she knew that is was going to be expensive. She was looking for the best quality. The thing she was afraid of was surgery itself. The doctor did show her a lot of before and after photos of his patients. He is doing that for seven years already.
She will have a second consultation next week but she is pretty excited already. I think she will do it. The doctor said she would look at least 5 years younger after the facelift.
Highly Recommended Reading:
Face Lifts
Non Surgical Face Lift
Liz Forgey is an expert author on cosmetic surgery. Her articles about face lifts and non surgical face lift surgery have been published on numerous web sites, forums, blogs and ezines all over the Internet