As we age, so does our skin. Like an old pair of spandex shorts, our skin slowly looses its elastic ability to just spring back into its natural state. Unfortunately, when talking about a face lift and wrinkles, the wrinkles are not truly in the skin itself, but are in the muscles of the face due to the longevity of use. Just like the skin wearing out, the muscles too will slowly wear out. If you are going in for a face lift, there are some things that you must expect. For starters, the face lift is simply the tightening of the skin, the underlying structure like muscles are not affected and therefore it is quite possible that you will still have wrinkles in you skin even after the procedure.
It is this underlying structure of both bone and muscle that makes each of our faces unique, and the face lift just pulls the skin back in an attempt to give a more useful appearance. It is other procedures like nose jobs and cheek work that can change the underlying structure, but these also will add to the entire cost of the procedure.
The surgeon is capable of some muscle and other soft tissue restorations which will help to give you an even more youthful look upon completion of the procedure. To help even more with the wrinkles, you can also undergo non invasive procedures both before and after the surgery to help resurface the skin and remove a large percentage of the wrinkles.
When talking about a face lift, you must also remember that the face lift only focuses on the lower part of the face, if you want the upper part like the eyebrows and forehead to be done you will have to inform your surgeon of these as they are a completely different surgery. There is a lot of fright around the world today concerning poorly done face lifts but the good thing is that these can easily be avoided as long as you make sure to communicate well with your surgeon as well as choosing a qualified surgeon for the procedure.
Another important point is the incision points along the face. It is important that these incisions are made in the most discrete location that is possible, by ensuring that the incision is made under the hairline and further below the cheekbone, you will end up with a more natural look.
The ultimate goal of a face lift is to basically pull the face's features back into their natural location. If this is done incorrectly or if it is done in too quick of a manner, the face lift can make the dace look distorted. Think of your surgeon as an artist who will be re-sculpting your entire face. Pablo Picasso makes some great paintings, but if he were to have done a sculpture, then it would not have fared as well. The same goes with a face lift, one would want the work of a Rembrandt rather than a Dali on their face, and choosing the right surgeon is like making the decision between Rembrandt and Picasso.
Dr. Jim Greene would like to provide you with some very valuable information that will help you make an informed decision regarding:
Face Lift Learn more about face lift recovery time, the costs of a face lift, financing options and more.
Lower face lift Find out more about your options in the lower face lift procedure. What is the recovery time of a lower face lift, look at face lift before after pictures and more.
Plastic surgery Find out more about different various surgery procedures such as breast implant recovery, tummy tuck costs, face lift before and after pictures, videos of liposuction and more.
By Dr. Jim Greene