Just 5 years ago many people had never heard of gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bypass surgery became more publicly known as more individuals underwent weight loss surgery as a way to assist them with obesity. Famous people were going on national television and openly discussing the discussion he or she made to have weight loss surgery. As with anything in life many individuals are for weight loss surgery and many individuals state undergoing a surgical procedure is a cope out to lose weight.
Anyone out there who has undergone weight loss surgery for an eating disorder knows it was not an easier way out. The surgery is a tool the individual still must change the behavior and relationship he or she has with food. Weight loss surgery requires a lifetime commitment to stay healthy and balanced for life by no means a quick fix. People who learn of the surgery are educated prior to surgery also after surgery. Many surgeons provide psychological and nutritional support before during and after gastric bypass surgery however, majority of patients do not follow up and take advantage of these offerings.
The saying "Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes" is appropriate, if he or she continues doing the same behaviors as they did prior to surgery they will experience the same result in eating disorders. Initially they may lose weight however, they will never achieve the goal weight, and eventually the weight regain will occur as well as long-term more weight will be added. Conceivably they can still have a small stomach yet be obese. The surgery is a tool if he or she finds they are experiencing weight re-gain and are motivated to get help inpatient treatment for eating disorders is appropriate.
Joanna works for the Women's Behavioral Program. She has overcome adversities and shares her hope with anyone she comes in contact with. Joanna is a known published author in the Bariatric and Weight Loss Community, she has spent the last 13 years helping to inspire and motivate people on the value of the body, mind and spirit connection.
By Joanna Painton