Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Plastic Surgery Gets Down to the Details With Microsurgery

Microsurgery is a new development that makes plastic surgery much easier for both the doctor and the patient. With this advanced surgical technique, the plastic surgeon can do work better and more precisely than every before.

Microsurgery uses a microscope to do detailed work under high magnification. This includes new techniques like sewing blood vessels and suturing nerves. It allows implants to get the blood they need, and actually function as a part of your body. This way, implants are no longer a foreign object. Microsurgery can work wonders in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

Breast Surgery Using Perforator Flaps

Recovering from breast cancer is painful, but now plastic surgery can wipe the pain away using a new type of implant called perforator flaps. Implanting these flaps puts microsurgery to use. It can get the breasts you lost through breast cancer back, and they will feel perfectly real.

This procedure uses skin, tissue and blood vessels from other parts of the body to reconstruct your breasts. Like a skin graft, perforator flaps are connected to an implant in the chest. The difference between flaps and implants is that flaps are "wired" to the rest of your body. This means that you have feeling in them, and they function just like real breasts.

Getting Yourself Reconnected with Hand Surgery

One of plastic surgery's main trouble areas has always been hand surgery. What do you do when your hand no longer works the way it is supposed to? You start to realize just how important your hands are. In the past, plastic surgery was powerless to do anything about it. Now, using microsurgery, hands can be fixed.

Some hand problems are caused by nerve trauma. Others may be caused by cuts or fractures that sever a key artery or nerve. The most common hand problem is arthritis, which many of us suffer from in middle and old age. Microsurgery can reconnect all the hand's parts and get it working again. Fingers can even be reattached, or damaged nerves reconnected.

Microsurgery for Treating Kids

One of the major areas where this technique has helped is in pediatric surgery. These days, it is essential for treating problems in children. These problems might include anomalies in the body. The hands and feet are the most common areas that need help. Some children are born with too many or not enough fingers, and this means a lifetime of social problems and possibly pain.

Facial deformities are also an area where now cosmetic surgery can help. Without microsurgery, doctors can't fix these problems without giving patients a fake prosthetic face. Now all the tissue can be connected and function as if the patient was born with it.

It can also treat traumas in children. If kids have suffered damage to the face, hands, arms, feet or legs, it can now be fixed. Prosthetic limbs can now be connected with all the nerves and blood vessels working properly.

Whether you are getting cosmetic work done, or treating traumas and abnormalities, microsurgery can open doors that before would have been shut. Microsurgery is a weapon for the toughest jobs that would have been impossible years ago. New techniques such as this are being perfected everyday, that make what we could only imagine yesterday a reality today.

You don't have to be dissatisfied with your appearance or sit back and let aging happen. Board certified Monroe plastic surgeon can help you take control of your appearance. To find out how he can help you achieve a rejuvenated sense of self, visit

By A Aaronson