Anti Cellulite Creams have improved quite a bit over the past 5 years. A new kind of treatment call Endodermology has had more than a temporary effect on cellulite. An exploratory investigation of the morphology and biochemistry has produced surprising results. Many consumers want the skinny on the pill's claims however.
Most women over 20 have it and hate it, but the bumpy look of cellulite isn't easy to erase. There is a new treatment everyone should try, it's called vacuum therapy with rubber glass. Many womens legs really do look better (cellulite is not so visible). Once you are about 19 massages into the 2nd month the problem area has hugely improved. My friend recommended me to try rubber glass (cellulite massager). Women have tried lots of things: creams, diet, running, but everything worked well for the most part. After only one month I found out that cellulite on the thighs and buttock became not so visible. As statistics shows, there are 85% women suffering from it and almost all of them try to get rid of it.
Many women hate going to the beach, swimming pool or even sauna, because they blush to show their legs. Try greasing your leg with oil or cream. Do not waste your time and money for non-effective treatment methods. The American Skincare & Cellulite Expert Association is the worldwide society representing hundreds of professionals whom are specialists in the field of skincare and treatment. One of the primary missions of the Association is to continually improve the treatment and understanding of skin and the cottage cheese effect some many women hate and want to get rig of, as well as raise public and professional awareness of the wide range of products and equipment available.
The ASCEA Website is a comprehensive guide for members of the public with the reliable and updated information regarding skincare treatments. In addition, it also publishes a bi-annually a popular newsletter geared toward its members and skincare specialists. There is brand new formula cream that has been developed proving to be a painless and effective treatment for those problem areas.
Loraine DeJona is an expert in this area and has posted more free tips, articles and solutions at
By Loraine DeJona