Currently, the only proven method of breast augmentation is what is known as a breast prosthesis or mammaplasty
Some plastic surgery on breasts can be done together, such as nipple and breast augmentation. Plastic surgery on breasts is now a fairly safe procedure providing it is carried out correctly. As with any type of operation, compile as much information as possible prior to selecting your surgeon. Look at pictures of his work, and if possible, seek the advice of others who may have had similar procedures.
Breast Lift Surgery can help sagging in breasts which have lost their firmness and sag limply without the benefit of a bra. Surgery can also be used to enhance breasts by making them either smaller or larger.
Breast Reduction is usually undertaken with the intention of providing a more attractive contour to the breasts and reducing the health problems which are often associated with large breasts. Healthy women who are free from any condition or illness which can slow healing are the best candidates for breast surgery.
Basically, the procedure for a breast lift or mastopexy takes place by removing excess skin from the breast and draping the tissue more tightly over internally supported tissue.
Do not expect breast surgery to be covered by insurance as in most cases, you will have to pay the full cost of the operation. After surgery, you can expect to suffer some amount of discomfort, as well as bruising and scarring.
Due to the high costs, possible complications and sometimes unsatisfactory results of breast augmentation surgery, many women are now exploring breast enhancement using more natural methods.
Antony Wiltons site on all things related to breasts, from enhancement to cancer is the authorative site on these topics. Drop in for the latest news and views. Breast Enhancement
By Antony Wilton