Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Do I Choose a Qualified Plastic Surgeon?

When considering any type of plastic surgery, choosing the most qualified professional that you can find is always the best option, however, finding that doctor takes a little bit of effort. In every field of medicine there are specialists and in the field of cosmetic surgery there is no difference. One doctor could specialize in nothing but breast augmentations, while another may specialize in tummy tucks. Finding the right one for your surgery only requires knowing what procedure that you want and asking questions.
Of course you could just pick up the local yellow pages and start calling everyone in the list, or if you want to be sure that the qualifications of a surgeon are not just one sided, you can go to the American Society of Plastic Surgery's website and do a search. You can look at various plastic surgeons that are located in your general area and also see the information regarding their qualifications and specializations.
Another way for you to locate a qualified plastic surgeon is by simply asking your family doctor. It is always recommended that you consult your physician before deciding on a plastic surgery procedure, during this consultation is the perfect time to ask your physician for a reference to a qualified surgeon.
Maybe you are having work done because one of your friends had some recently, you can simply talk with your friends. For many people, the decision of undergoing a procedure usually entails the consultations of your friends anyway. Chances are one of your friends may know of a qualified surgeon. It is all about networking. "A friend of a friend of a friend had this done last year and looks great now, they went to such and such to have the procedure done." That is all it takes, no you have a quality reference to a surgeon and all you have to do is check on his or her credentials and qualifications.
There are literally thousands of different ways to find a qualified surgeon, but remember that the best way is from word of mouth. Regardless as to whether a person had a good or bad experience with plastic surgery, they are always willing to give up a name. If it was a bad experience they will tell you so, and if it was a good one then they will encourage you to speak with that surgeon.
Dr. Jim Greene would like to provide you with CRITICAL information regarding:
Plastic surgery
The above links will provide you with CRITICAL information if you are serious about surgery
By Dr. Jim Greene