Gravity kicks us hard and strong as we get older, ladies. He (Gravity) is like a little punk who instead of spray painting walls, leaves his own unique mark on our faces. You know gravity has been working hard when you start to see crow's feet, those spidery lines at the sides of our eyes. Not to mention the laugh lines and other wrinkles.
Then we notice our puffy skin, the haggardness, and how heavy our eyes look. It really is a pain in the butt. What to do? There's always a surgical face lift. Of course we all have the time and money to spare to get cosmetic surgery, don't we? Yeah, right.
What's the answer? We can do something different and give ourselves a non surgical face lift. There are lots of different kinds of products that we can use. They can give us younger, smoother skin and get rid of those wrinkles and lines. Best of all, you won't have to deal with any pain, scars, and swelling with a non surgical face lift.
There are different ways to go about it, and you have lots of options. There are products which stimulate collagen in our faces, and that makes the fine lines and creases disappear. Then you have lasers and other procedures that can stimulate your body's natural production of collagen, increasing elasticity.
Lotions and creams are a simple but effective solution too, and all you have to do is rub them on. A non surgical face lift is definitely the answer for me. There's no way I'm getting my face cut open. It may not be the greatest one, but it's the only one I've ever been given.
So if you are freaking out the way I did when I realized the past 20 years actually shows, just know that there are many options and you don't have to settle for pain, scars, or other terrible things in order to look younger.
by Jessica P