Chin augmentation surgery (also known as chin implant surgery) is a common facial plastic surgery that brings balance to the facial structure by correcting a chin problem due to congenital deficiency, age-related bone resorption, or facial trauma.
Why Chin Implants?
Chin implants can be used for either cosmetic or reconstructive enhancement of the jaw line and will provide a more natural-looking break between your neck and face. The goal of a chin implant is to give greater definition to your chin and provide balance with the rest of your face.
A weak chin can make your nose appear large and can make an already prominent nose seem even larger. A weak chin may also give the appearance of a fleshy neck. A chin that is too prominent may give the appearance of having too small of a nose and may throw the face off balance. The end result of chin augmentation surgery is to achieve a balanced relationship within the structure of the face.
The Procedure
Insertion of a chin implant may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. During the procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will select the proper size and shape implant to enhance your appearance and will insert the implant into a pocket over the front of the jawbone. The small incision to create the pocket and insert the implant is placed inside the mouth, along the lower lip or in the skin just under the chin area.
The chin is usually taped after surgery to minimize swelling and discomfort. Sutures in the skin will be removed in five to seven days or the sutures will dissolve. Most patients experience some discomfort and swelling in the affected area for several days following surgery. Smiling and talking will be difficult during the healing process, and black and blue marks may be visible around your chin and neck. Your surgeon will instruct you on post-surgery care of the surgery site.
With chin surgery, as with any facial surgery, you may feel and look better in a short period of time. Certain activities will be restricted, however, especially those that may jar or bump the face. Surgical risks will be discussed with you at the time of your consultation.
To learn more about chin implant surgery or any other facial plastic surgery in the Pittsburgh area, please visit the website of Dr. James J. Barber today.
By Lynn Fugaro