Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Failed Nose Job Surgery

My need for a nose job

I used to have a big nose in high school, bigger than most of my classmates which was not an issue until I was made aware of this fact by my peers, who started picking on me because of it. As they saw how irritated I became some of them even mounted the pressure which I could not always handle, and I admit I even cried sometimes at home in the shower, punching my nose in despair. Quite sad, looking back at it now, and so young I was not yet familiar with positive thinking and other methods, but had enough willpower to decide that I have to do something about the situation as I was not the type who gives up easily.

The Nose Job Surgery Failure

First and foremost I was determined to change my external appearance, and started hectically searching for the descriptions and costs of a nose job surgery procedure by cosmetic surgeons. I imagined that if I will have a smaller nose I will be accepted and cherished by my looks, and I can just fit in easily with the others. It came to a point that my parents sat down with me and explained that a nose job could have unforeseen consequences for such a young person, and I should wait with it until I get older and more mature to make a more informed decision. I can tell you now, that I did not undergo a nose job surgery at the time, because I was shown some failed procedures by our psychiatrist which succeeded in turning me away from such a drastic procedure, not even advised for young and growing persons.

Happy Ending

As I approached my 20s, my high school mates were far away and I joined communities where performance was emphasized rather than looks, and hence no one was picking on something that I was born with. I also grew taller thus my body became proportionate with my nose. So even if that failed nose job surgery was not mine, the sight of it helped me in changing not my nose but my perceptions and my communities. If someone picks on me today which rarely happens, I tell them to watch out, tomorrow you might want to have a nose as big as mine, when I will be all over the newspaper as the newest star. Aside from this joke, I beg you to get informed prior to committing yourself to a nose job or other cosmetic surgery.

Here is a video resource, called Cosmetic Surgery Tell All - Face Lifts, Breast Jobs, & Tummy Tucks,, that I shared with my kids when they had doubts about their looks. This is not a collection of failed cosmetic surgeries, but a very informative resource on all kinds of cosmetic jobs, like nose, breast and tummy jobs.

By George Gregory